
Thursday, February 04, 2010

T-Bird Progress

After most of the drawing is finished I start to add some reflections by copying the shapes and cutting out the reflections that I want to use and then placing them where they belong.

After I get most of the reflections where I want them I start filling some of the shapes and moving them forward/backward when needed. It gets a little confusing so I usually use some obnoxious colors to differentiate layers/tones. This gives me an idea of the lights and darks and shows me basically what it's going to look like in the next step.
At this point I've got most of the reflections and the solid body shapes filled and on the plane where they should be. Some of the body reflections are still pretty rough and the chrome has not even been started yet. Reflections and shading gets tricky so I save that part for last when I can. When the colored shapes are filled in and I can tell what is what I will start shading shapes a tone darker or lighter than the ones around it so I can take away the outlines and make it look less cartoony.


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