
Monday, September 25, 2006

been a while

I have a couple of new things to post and some news... Here is the latest thing I have done. It is for a couple who is getting married this Saturday. It's for a sign in board. I am also going to do a sculpture of them for a cake topper which will be pretty cool. I've done these before but do not have photos of them so this is going to be for the website. The photos were not perfect and I had to guess on the bride's hair. I hope it looks right! I did it kinda dark so I didn't have to put much detail into the hair, but the sculpture is going to be a bit trickier... I'd like to offer a wedding package in the future with both of these and some other extras that you cannot find anywhere else. I really like to draw at weddings. They are so fun. It's like you are being invited to some family's greatest party ever and everybody there wants to meet you! : ) I love being a caricature artist.

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Here's a photo of the couple getting married

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This wedding of course comes the day before the NCN Convention where I plan on being for all of next week and hopefully returning with the title of "world's fastest caricaturist". It's going to be a pretty big deal this year I think. Not that I have anything to compare it to but from what I have heard, this one is going to be really competitive. There will be over 200 other artists from around the world competing this year and I'm pretty sure that 14 seconds is not unheard of in this competition. I know I can do that but I am a little worried about what others are bringing to the table! *whew!*

Last week and a couple of weeks ago I had the oppertunity to do retail caricatures a couple of times for a guy named Jason. It was fun hanging out with him, Walt and my good friend Ron Kantrowitz too. I spent last weekend at the York County Fair and it rained almost all week long... It sucked. I had fun though and made out OK considering.

Anyways, here is another illustration from a couple of weeks back that I thought I'd post. This client was one of the nicest clients I have ever had. Just nice as pie. Loved the caricature right off the bat. Paid upfront and gave me swell photos to use. Couldn't ask for a better client. This guy here was retiring.

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