
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jessica and Roxie

This is a drawing I did of our neighbor, Jessica and her little Boston Terrier, Roxie. We babysit for Roxie and she is our dog, Dewie's BFF/GF.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


ATTENTION: I am officially offering festival prices for my digital caricatures this spring. I am going to have a live digital caricature setup at car shows and festivals this summer and it will be very fast paced. I want to get into the swing of things early and practice before I go do it live... Prices start at $15 per person, pet or prop. Vehicles start at $50!!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

New artwork this year

Things have slowed down a bit after the holidays. That's not to say I haven't been busy. I've attended a few wedding shows and met lots of new people. I will be exhibiting at a few around valentines day. I am excited to see how that turns out. I also have a pretty big idea for what I can get done this summer. I'm thinking of a mobile digital caricature/car-toon booth that I will take to car shows and arts festivals, possibly some fairs and other kinds of festivals also. We'll see how it goes. I'm pretty excited about it though for sure!

Here are a few illustrations from this year so far. The first is from a wedding I drew caricatures at on New Year's Eve 2010. I did this drawing for the back of the paper and it was a gift to the bride and groom.

Here's one I just finished that is similar. They liked the design above:

Here is one of a friend from high school with her dogs.

This is another concept design for the guy who wants to make greener hot rods. He's thinking about buying the sheet metal from an old ford tractor hood, the cab and bed of a 41 studebaker truck and a 20's ford truck and putting them together. He wanted to see what it might look like and how he could paint it when finished. It will run on a giant diesel (powered by vegetable oil) and spew black smoke. He imagined it looking pretty intimidating.

Above: With references. Below: finished drawing